With the majority of consumers now researching services on the internet before making a commitment to buy, many businesses including law firms are now focusing their attention on marketing online. To ensure that your law practice makes the most of this trend that’s here to stay, it would be wise to use inbound marketing as it’s a great way to respond to the major shift that’s taking place with consumer behavior.
Inbound Marketing is About Letting Clients Find You
Years ago, people looking for a law practice to use picked up the local Yellow Pages. Nowadays however, people are turning to the internet when they need a lawyer. The cornerstone of a good inbound marketing strategy is a customized, content-rich website that’s been properly optimized for Google and the other leading search engines. Your site is the hub of all of your online activities and the place where visitors are converted into paying clients. The spokes of that hub are content, social media, newsletters, press releases and other online elements which work together to drive brand awareness and traffic.
How Inbound Marketing Differs from Outbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is about discovery while outbound marketing is about interruption. When you are taking part in outbound marketing, you are interrupting what people are doing and asking them to make a change. It’s often very difficult to get a consumer to drop what they’re doing to take a desired action. However, with inbound marketing you don’t interrupt anyone which means the targeted consumer is more likely to do what you wish him or her to do.
In short, inbound marketing is focused on your law practice getting found by potential clients via compelling content, search engine optimization and social media as this type of marketing ties these elements together in a cohesive, meaningful way. Conversely, outbound marketing is all about finding clients using rather ineffective techniques such as cold-calling, print media, TV advertising, junk mail and spam.
Stretching your Law Firm Budget
With today’s unstable economy, it’s more important than ever for you to stretch your advertising dollars. Not only does inbound marketing focus on making it easy for people to find your law practice, it’s also a very cost-effective and affordable way to drum up new business. It is estimated that 34 percent of all leads generated online today come from inbound marketing sources. And, those leads are of better quality and much cheaper leads than what businesses are obtaining using outbound marketing strategies.
In order to take the success of your law firm to an entirely new level, it’s essential that you take part in inbound marketing. This form of marketing is the ideal way to nurture leads so that when people are ready to hire a lawyer, they will choose your law practice as your firm will be viewed as one with a real identity and which is trusted. A well-rounded inbound marketing campaign will use a variety of tools including social media, content, blog posts, tweets, and SEO to maximize the visibility of your law practice and to positively impact your ROI. Learn more about the best way to start your career as a lawyer, on this website: www.agencourt.com